Wednesday, October 17, 2012

What am I doing?

Are you curious what I do all day-besides, of course sporadically post to my blog? Interested or not I've decided to tell you. I am a teaching assistant at an elementary school. This is the first step in my grand plan to get my Master's degree in Education and become Super Teacher- complete with special powers like mischief-destroying stare and hilarious story time voice!

Yeah, sort of like that.

Aaaaaanyway, I spend my days bouncing around to different classrooms where there are children who have been identified "special needs". At my school that means primarily behavior and attention problems. Sometimes I work just with the identified children in a small group and other times I work with a variety of kids, allowing the classroom teacher to give more individualized attention across the board. I work in kindergarten through third grade classrooms leading math and reading groups, assisting with special projects or simply helping students stay on tasks during independent assignments.

I love my job. Before moving to Indiana I worked in a retail store and while there were aspects of the job I enjoyed, it was stressful and completely unfulfilling. Working in classrooms is, for me, ideal. Yes, it's stressful and sometimes I wonder if I've ever done anything helpful. I have to get up crazy-early, there's no coffee shop in the lobby or even around the block, kids sneeze on me and say bratty things, ask me questions and don't listen to the answer. But more often than not I am on the front lines of a battlefield fighting for a cause I believe in with my whole heart.

You'll be hearing more about my adventures in elementary school, I'm certain. Stay tuned!

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