This is one of a series of posts that mysteriously reverted to draft form. They were actually posted quite a while ago but they're here for now. Sorry about the craziness!
In an attempt to not let this whole homeownership thin go up in flames I am determined to begin organized and stay organized. Luckily, I have a deep, some might say troubling, love of labels, dividers, hole punches and the like. It's nothing to be concerned about, I swear. Really. Whatever.
In an attempt to not let this whole homeownership thin go up in flames I am determined to begin organized and stay organized. Luckily, I have a deep, some might say troubling, love of labels, dividers, hole punches and the like. It's nothing to be concerned about, I swear. Really. Whatever.
Anyway, enter the Home Resources Binder (this great idea brought to you by the modern manifest-er of all great ideas, Pinterest!). This is one handy, tidy place to keep all important house-related things. Ours already has documentation about our furnace and water heater, garage door warranty, utility information and potential paint colors. Everything we want to know about our house to keep ourselves sane is kept in there. Want one? Neat. I want you to have one. Behold!
Get yourself a three-ring binder, a package of dividers and a bunch of sheet protectors. Impulse buy some pens or a notebook. You good? Excellent.
Let's continue. Grab a piece of scrap paper and brainstorm somewhat categories make sense for you. Here are ours:
When you've got an exhaustive list, slip all the relevant documents into sheet protectors in the appropriate categories and bask in your organized glory.
Mmm, labels.
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