Monday, December 29, 2014


Well, student-teaching got the best of the blog.

I will say, if something had to halt my hopes for a successful blog, this was a good interference. I spent four stressful, exciting, wonderful, confidence-building months teaching and learning in a second grade classroom. If it were up to me, I'd still be there. Alas, finishing my master's degree had to take precedent. Hey, by the way, I have my master's degree. That's pretty awesome and since I couldn't stay on another semester in second grade I was fortunate to find another great opportunity before I apply for actual teaching positions this summer. I'm now a teaching assistant in the 4/5 classroom at a local charter school. The initial few weeks were full with finalizing things for school and preparing to leave for Christmas with our families in addition to learning about my new position. I'm excited to challenge myself with this new job. It allows me to work with a different age group than in my student-teaching experience and in a school with a different set-up.

What I look forward to most though, is finally earning a classroom of my own. I get so excited looking at activities and projects on Pinterest and Teachers Pay Teachers. I think about all the magical books I have (thanks in huge part to an unbelievably generous aunt) for eager students to explore. Maybe I'll eat my words someday, but right now I can't wait to be busy going over student work and preparing lesson plans. I love that kind of busy.

While the blog has been silent, I've been busy with a few non-job items. We've continued planning the wedding. We have a date, a venue, a bridal party, and a continuing argument about the playlist. I found a dress over a trip to Kansas City for Thanksgiving. It's exactly what I hoped to find and didn't cost as much as a car! So far, wedding planning has gone very smoothly. I hope the planning continues to be this peaceful.

 I'm going to do my best to breathe life back into this blog.